Bottlebrush Ring

  • $85.00
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⋒ Callistemon citrinus ⋒ Bottlebrush 

Found from Victoria to Queensland, this variety of callistemon is found in swampy heath land, and along streams. She can grow to be 2 to 4m usually in height. Flowers are bright red, found in spring. It has sharply pointed hard and flat leaves, that when rubbed have a strong lemon like scent which have been used for tea, while the blossoms have been used to add sweetness or make tea also.


Indigenous Uses -

Tea has been made from the leaves and blossoms. Over the years it has been used for the treatment of diarrhoea, intestine infections, and inflammation especially in the case of rheumatism, anticough, antibronchtits and insecticide in traditional folk medicines. Other properties they hold are antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal. Extracts can be used for treatment of both gram positive as well as gram negative bacteria, along with some fungal species.


Properties -

  • Lightheartedness
  • Laughter and joy
  • Uplifting
  • Hardiness/building endurance (emotionally and physically)
  • Seeing internal and external beauty - appropriate for those needing more self love and to see their true worth (callis - means beauty in Greek)
  • Rebirth
  • New beginnings



Handmade on the East Coast of Australia. Each design we create is crafted with love and set with an intention best suited to the individual piece.

This bottlebrush has been hand picked, and then transformed through casting to solid recycled 925 sterling silver, then finally have worked it into wearable natural art.


*Please note, if sold out we can make to order - turn around between 4-6 weeks